Although on paper the power and torsinya smaller than the older models, the engine All-New Rush is said to offer a sense of drive and the more fuel efficient. The second character of the machine was different.
All-New Rush use a 2NR-1.5 L VE already first used at the Grand New Avanza. Heart pacemaker that replaced the old Rush, i.e. 3SZ-VE 1.5 L that also used previous model Avanza.
From the explanation Tommy Hermansyah Product Knowledge of Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), the second character of the difference engine it really feels different when tested on an engine dyno. As a result, the engine 2NR-VE more subtle than 3SZ-VE.
"So if the old machine from the early responsiveness, 0 – 100 kpj colour is more linear. While the 2NR-VE his character more smooth. The engine hold rpm not high when the replacement teeth, hence more subtle, "explains Tommy, Thursday (23/11/2017).
Tommy realized many question why the power and torque down on the All-New Rush. He explained, though down, from the results of testing the acceleration 0 – 100 kpj on both machines is not much different from. The number between 11-12 seconds.
"On paper right down, but if being ridden like a baseball feels it down," said Tommy